“WHY” aims to establish a social infrastructure that deals with continuity to human characteristics in the face of future humanity.

Our goal is to create three public projects to start the community while demonstrating the idea of continuity and offering actions to realize it.

All our projects encourage civic involvement in the future of humanity and promote the message that there is no one concept of truth.

the Dust project 

Continuity to the human story using a global campaign collects household dust samples from the world’s countries.

the borders project 

Continuity of skills related to interpersonal communication using a ‘Global tourist' visa agreement based on practice and not ideals.

the womb project

Continuity to the sensory experience of the 100% organic human body, using personal sensory chambers that enable extreme experiences in a safe environment.



The Dust Project is intended for educational institutions, museums, or brands that want to bring their 'STEAM' education programs into a tangible and unforgettable expression in public awareness.

Its practice incorporates context and material that are both familiar and accessible in the global human experience: House and Dust. Most of humanity experiences these two elements daily.

It is formulated as an advanced digital educational campaign with audience engagement strategies accessible to multi-age, multi-lingual, and multi-disciplinary communities.

Its technological platform was designed to initiate an active community network for additional projects that allow a diverse global audience to get involved and influence the future.

The Dust Project was articulated by a group of entrepreneurs operating as a decentralized autonomous organization called "WHY.

Each of the entrepreneurs used their expertise so that we could guarantee the project's story in terms of production, cost, and time.

We are ready to go and are recruiting strategic partners.


Send your story to the future

Every person has the present moment, which is his personal human history. There is the ingrained desire to keep this moment as a memory, even if we will never know where the memory will reach with time.

The Dust registration campaign